30 March

How to convert a Coreblog into the archive of a mailing-list

Using Mailman and the moblog feature of Coreblog

Use the moblog feature of Coreblog to archive a mailing-list. I used Mailman for the following example, and tested it at Zettai Zope hosting.

  1. Subscribe the moblog email address to a given Mailman mailing list
  2. at the msg_header variable of the non-digest options of Mailman write the moblog-password and another line as: password_word category_word
  3. Add that password_word to the "Password for adding entry" moblog feature of your coreblog settings.
  4. Leave the "Sender address for moblog" empty (in case it´s an open mailing-list, but if it´s a bulletin or newsletter-like list with an unique sender all the time, put that sender's address at this setting of your coreblog).

Related problems:

So, I can now convert a Coreblog into the archive of a Mailman mailing-list. But why should one want to do such a thing?

Well, email and mailing-list usage is a subject of very personal preferences :-)

Posted via: luistxo (01:31) | Permalink | Comments (1) | Trackbacks (1)